3 Mistakes You Should Do to Make Your Blog Suck

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So you started a new blog?
And you had huge expectations?
And you even wanted to earn a couple of grand with it every month?
But your blog sucks?!
This a very usual cycle for new bloggers. All of them have huge expectations, no experience and often fail. As I often say, there is no “correct” way to blog. Everyone has their own personality, own way of writing, unique style of communicating and what may be working for one might not work out for an another.
So today I am going to share 5 major reasons why possibly your blog sucks. No, I am not going to share how you can improve it, but just point out why it may be not working out for you like most other new bloggers.
3 Mistakes You Should Do to Make Your Blog Suck

Mistake #1 – Your Goals

So what was the goal you wanted to achieve before you started out a blog. Of Course, “money” helps but if that was your primary goal, then you probably should stop blogging, smell some coffee and start thinking again. Money should never be your main objective. It should always be your secondary motive, especially if you are new to this blogging world. Your main objective should always be something bigger and deeper which eventually will lead you to your money.
Rather than focusing on money, you should focus on for whom and why you are blogging.

Mistake #2: Over-Focused on writing

Wait? Am I out of my mind? No! But you always though that more you write, more you grow. Maybe you were wrong the whole time.  Few years ago the scenario was about striking out the right balance between quantity and quality and you and your blog we’re good to go. But everything has changed. One of the major reasons your blog sucks is that it has no social presence. No referrals. Most newbie bloggers take up a lot of time writing quality content, which is good, but they frequently forget promoting their content.
I follow the 6/10 rule and it works out great for me and others following it. It means that if you have a maximum of 10 hours to spend on an article – then you must spend 6 hours writing the content and 4 hours promoting. You can start off by promoting it in blogging communities, social media sites and sharing it with other niche related blogs. It’s difficult and I know it, but you must make this a habit from beginning.

Mistake #3: Misunderstanding SEO

So you hate this? Well you aren’t alone! Most new bloggers get all too confused about. Yes, I know it’s so very complex with everyone having their own opinions about it and everyone giving different amount of importance to it. But maybe you don’t need to follow it so strictly. All I mean to say is that for mere beginners, on-page seo is more than enough. No it’s not enough to rank you on the first page of a google search query but when your blog is just a few days old, you don’t need to focus too much on it.
Another mistake to avoid is writing for search engines and not for your readers. It’s the worst thing you can do lose traffic. On the bigger picture, you should always give importance to the people. Three satisfied blog readers are always better than ten unsatisfied unique visitors.  Blogs which are below 6 months of age should never get too involved in search engine optimization. All you must focus on is writing detailed and amazing content, gathering as many subscribers as you can and promoting it.
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