Hi Mates, Community sites are the most common way to get more traffic nowadays. When we search about Community Sites on Google, we can see so many websites. Because, any one can create a community site or social bookmarking site easily with pligg or other services.
But, you didn’t get any benefit when joining any small communities, even it is looking so good. You must want to join such community sites that gives you some attention and traffic to your blog. You can feel the benefit of joining a popular community from my blog post title itself ;).
Thanks for Amal Rafeeq from BloggerDoc for suggesting this stunning title for me. It is the second time, i’m choosing Amal’s suggestion on my blog.
What is Community Site or Social Bookmarking Site?
According to Me, Blogging Communities are the place to share our blog posts and get more traffic and backlinks from it. These sites will help us to get more attention from other bloggers in your niche.
So, Blogging Communities is the key hole to success in blogging field. Blogging communities also help your blog post to rank well in search engines and also attract new visitors to your blog.
This the main different of Blogging Communities with other Social Medias like Facebook, Twitter and Google+. The main goal of Blogging Communities is help other bloggers who are suffering to get some traffic to their blog.
So, Blogging Communities can give us a regular traffic and make a good readership on our blog. It can help you to develop relationships with other bloggers and fellow bloggers also notice your blog and will start to support you.
Here is the best Blogging Communities you should join!!!
#1: BlogEngage
BlogEngage is an amazing community where other like minded bloggers meet, submit their own posts, vote and comment with one another, hence the name Blog Engage.
Blog Engage is one of the largest fastest growing communities specific to the blogosphere. It is the best blogging community where all bloggers submit their latest blog articles for exposure, backlinks and traffic. All articles submitted are sent to the upcoming page where users read and vote on the submissions.
Blog Engage is one of the largest fastest growing communities specific to the blogosphere. It is the best blogging community where all bloggers submit their latest blog articles for exposure, backlinks and traffic. All articles submitted are sent to the upcoming page where users read and vote on the submissions.
When articles receive enough votes they become published and are then found on the Blog Engage home page. Blog Engage has 2800+ members and it is founded by Brian Belfitt.
It have voting facility that allow users to vote up or down your blog posts. If you get the required number of votes, your article will published on the home page of BlogEngage.
#2: BloKube
BloKube is the best blogging community formed by a famous blogger named Devesh Sharma from WPKube.com. BloKube is designed for bloggers by bloggers.
Blokube is a awesome blogging community for promote your blogposts ideas and to make a strong relationship with each bloggers.
It have voting facility that allow users to vote up or down your blog posts. If you get the required number of votes, your article will published on the home page of BloKube.
Blokube is a awesome blogging community for promote your blogposts ideas and to make a strong relationship with each bloggers.
It have voting facility that allow users to vote up or down your blog posts. If you get the required number of votes, your article will published on the home page of BloKube.
#3: BizSugar
BizSugar is another best and most popular blogging communities in the world. BizSugar have so many specialities than other communities.
The BizSugar voting system curates content through the wisdom of the crowd. The community votes on member-submitted tips, advice and other small business information, advancing the highest-quality posts to the home page.
The BizSugar voting system curates content through the wisdom of the crowd. The community votes on member-submitted tips, advice and other small business information, advancing the highest-quality posts to the home page.
From there the top stories make it into the BizSugar Top 10 widget, weekly Top 10 newsletter, and Twitter feed where they get even more visibility.
An admin approval is wanted for your posts on Bizsugar. You can share your blog posts, videos and other contents and it will help other users to learn from you.
It gives you very high reputation and an online visibility to your content. You can make networking connections with other business people and stay informed.
#4: ManageWP.org
ManageWP.org is a new born Blogging community website built on WordPress created by the legends behind ManageWP.com.
It is built with the cutting edge tech and including author ranking algorithm that is similar to PageRank.
It is built with the cutting edge tech and including author ranking algorithm that is similar to PageRank.
They really hope to change the way WordPress news from high quality publishers are distributed.The main goal of ManageWP.org is similar to other communities.
We can share and vote on blog posts about all things related to WordPress and the WordPress community.
We can posts articles related to WordPress plugins, themes, tutorials, and videos on ManageWP.org.
#5: Klinkk
Klinkk is a social bookmarking site that lets you share and vote your most favorite links. Klinkk is also a newly born community website. But, it is very active now with so many fellow bloggers.
Klinkk is created by a group of some reputed bloggers in the blogoshpere. Klinkk is also works like Blog Engage and Blokube. We can share our blog posts and can vote other blog posts.
Over to you…!!!
So, That’s it. These are some blogging communities i used to get more traffic and attention to my blog. You can check it out and i damn sure that, this communities will help you to get more traffic.
I hope you already join some of this sites. If you have any other community sites, please share with my readers too through comments Don’t forget to share this article on facebook and Twitter.
I hope you already join some of this sites. If you have any other community sites, please share with my readers too through comments Don’t forget to share this article on facebook and Twitter.
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