3 Must-to-Follow Tips To Design a Landing Page To Encourage Sign Up

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Getting conversions on a website can give you a hard time. By conversion, we mean increasing sales, more engaged or registered users.
 One of the greatest factors that increases conversion rate is your product   that delivers value to your users. However, a design and content are equally important factors that play a vital role in improving conversion rates.
Tips To Design a Landing Page
In this post, we’ll talk about how a landing page design and content can encourage users to sign up with your website – be it signing up for a newsletter, RSS feeds, or registering as a member, etc.
 We will talk about three of the best tips that have proven to help boost conversion rates.

Effective Copywriting

Website owners focus a lot on adding compelling text into their site. Remember that the primary goal of regular text, in particular, is to provide users with a piece of information or entertain them. 
But, in order to make people (ideally your website visitors) do something or take an action you want – like sign up, buy products or anything similar – you should consider writing an effective web copy.
Contrary to people’s opinion that copywriting is best done by experts, you don’t really need to become one to produce an effective web copy.
You can come up with excellent copy that sells, by following the right copywriting process that involves:
  • Conduct a research on your customers, to figure out what really matters to them when making a purchase. If you cannot make out what actually your customers want, you might not be able to write a web copy that works.
  • Measure your competition, evaluate how they present their products. And make sure to write a copy that is “unique” and “differentiate” you from your competition.
  • You can take inspiration from templates with good web copy, and can even copy them. However, make sure to tweak the existing copy and make it work best for you.

Offering Free Trials

Perhaps chances are that you were attracted to an ad banner that made you land upon that page. Another possibility is that you may have stumbled on a blog post and decided to read it out, which pointed to some landing page and so on. 
Put it simply, most of us have a tendency to investigate things that appears intriguing to us. And trying what those things offers is the only way to know whether it’s worth considering or not.
But, the question is how we can increase customer interests to sign up with the website? One best way to convince your audience to sign up is to create a landing page design that offers free trials.
For example, WooTheme, a leading WordPress theme seller offers a few free to download themes, so that users can check out their product quality prior to signing up for their premium service.
Free trials can be provided in several ways in your design, such as:
  • You can provide a free trial version of your product for limited time (e.g. 30 days or less), and then ask for sign-up for a premium version.
  • Offer free trials in terms of freebies associated with your product (such as an e- book with some basic info)
  • Provide users with some a few screenshots or videos to tell them what they’ll get on signing up with your site.

Split Testing Technique

Split testing (also referred to as A/B testing) is something many businesses are opting for in a bid to generate good revenue.
This is simply because, A/B testing help businesses optimize their already existing landing page design to get boost conversion rates. Wondering how? A/B testing help compare two versions of the same landing page design to see which one works better. 
In essence, it creates two variants of the design and call them as A and B, and then offer them to the similar visitors. And the one that helps in generating more conversion rate wins.
Remember, A/B tests can vary in terms of results. In simple words, one variation with a better 250% conversion rate by day two can eventually cool down to a 10% boost by day four. According to an online report, it’s best to let the split tests run for at least seven days to obtain accurate outcome.
Additionally, do make certain to run the test until you’re 95% confidence about the winning variation (i.e. the variation with good conversion rate).

Wrapping Up!

Irrespective of whether you’re running a small or large-size website, you’ll most likely want to make money with it. Improving conversion rate of your landing page design can dynamically uplift your website profits. 
One great way to generate more conversion rates is to convince your website visitors’ to sign up on it. Hopefully, the aforementioned tips will help you achieve this goal in right manner.


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